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1. Management System

This document outlines the basic framework and policies for a Sustainability Management System (SMS) that can be adapted and developed to encompass all management processes in our hotel. It is intended for the hotel’s management and staff. Our system is designed to suit the size and scope of our hotel.

Our management system is based on risk analysis, assessing risks related to environment, natural disasters, society, culture, economy, quality, human rights, health, and safety. New categories can be added if necessary.

Once the risks are analyzed, we have a crisis management policy and system in place, detailing what to do if these risks occur. An annex to this document outlines the risk analysis process and the approach to crisis management.

The SMS encompasses policies, targets, and processes across quality, economy, management, environment, culture, human rights, health, and safety. It involves setting objectives, monitoring progress, and striving for continuous improvement in our business operations.

If targets are met, new ones are set. If they are not, we review our goals, policies, and practices to ensure continuous improvement.

Our hotel is committed to meeting the Stage One obligations of the Turkey Sustainable Tourism Program and to continuously improving sustainability performance through our sustainability management system.

Given the evolving nature of the industry, environmental, social, technological, economic, and cultural risks, as well as regulatory changes and updates, our management system is regularly reviewed and updated as needed.

The above steps can be summarized as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle (Figure 1).

  • Plan: Our hotel prioritizes environmental, social, cultural, national economy, and management system concerns and sets targets accordingly. A roadmap and specific actions are planned to achieve these targets.

  • Do: Our hotel identifies, measures, and records key policies and practices in the environmental, cultural, social, human rights, health, and safety areas, as well as monitors them at designated intervals.

  • Check: Feedback from both staff and guests is monitored and recorded. Corrective actions are taken if necessary.

  • Act: Our hotel takes corrective actions based on issues identified during the Check phase. Corrective measures are recorded and archived.


2. Legal Compliance

Our hotel is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and international conventions, maintaining an updated list, and regularly informing and training staff on these requirements.

Upon request or when required, our hotel will provide necessary permits, certificates, and documents to relevant authorities or individuals. These include the Tourism Operation Certificate, Basic Accommodation Tourism Operation Certificate, Business Opening and Operating License, recent monthly employee insurance declarations, tax registration certificates, emergency action plans, employee training and certificates, contracts with workplace doctors, municipal sewerage connection certificates, water treatment plant identity documents and inspection certificates, permits for underground water usage, thermal water usage permits, pool water testing and inspection certificates, pest control documents, and other necessary documents.


3. Stakeholders and Communication

Our hotel provides accurate information in all promotional materials, using authentic visual content. We maintain a transparent and realistic approach in all marketing and communication efforts, whether online, in social media, or through printed or written materials.

A system is in place to gather feedback from customers, government agencies, local municipalities, staff, community members, and other stakeholders regarding our sustainability performance, policies, and practices. This system collects feedback from both staff and guests.

  • Customer Experience: Our hotel places a high value on customer satisfaction, incorporating feedback related to sustainability into the management system. Negative feedback and responses are recorded, and corrective actions are taken as needed.

  • Employee Participation: Our employees are key to the management system and sustainability-related policies and practices. They understand their roles and responsibilities, with written guidelines and regular training. Their input is vital to the improvement of our management system and sustainability performance.

Employee training encompasses orientation programs, periodic training on sustainability, on-the-job training, and required regulatory training. Topics covered include occupational health and safety, kitchen/service/massage hygiene, water and energy conservation, chemical handling, fire prevention, first aid, and more.

All educational materials are freely accessible to employees.

Our hotel is committed to adhering to the relevant provisions of Turkey's Labor Law No. 4857, paying at least the minimum wage, and complying with Social Security and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510 and Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331.

Our hotel has established a "Sustainability Team" to manage sustainability activities.


4. Accessibility

Our hotel is committed to providing accessible tourism services to everyone to the best of our abilities and offers accurate and clear information about our level of accessibility on our website.

Our hotel is also dedicated to complying with all legal requirements regarding accessibility and constantly improving in this area. This includes addressing the needs of people with physical, visual, auditory, and other disabilities.

Accessibility infrastructure is regularly maintained and improved, and our employees are kept informed about accessibility issues.


5. Procurement

Our procurement policy emphasizes local, environmentally friendly, fair trade, and efficient procurement practices.

Our hotel regularly monitors goods and services, holds meetings with suppliers, and checks their sustainability certifications and information.

  • Local Procurement: When procuring goods and services, our hotel gives preference to local suppliers when they offer quality and reasonable pricing. The proportion of goods and services sourced from local communities is measured and recorded.

  • Fair Trade: While prioritizing local suppliers, our hotel also supports fair trade practices by giving preference to quality and reasonably priced imported products from fair trade suppliers.

  • Environmentally Friendly Procurement: Our hotel emphasizes eco-friendly procurement practices to reduce food waste and solid waste, focusing on energy and water conservation.

  • Sustainable Certifications: Our hotel prioritizes procurement from suppliers with sustainability certifications, such as ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 14064, and ISO 20400.

  • Environmentally Certified Products: Our hotel prefers certified products for wood, fish, paper, and other food items, such as those with FSC, MSC, or EU EcoLabel certifications.

  • Avoidance of Banned or Threatened Species: Our hotel does not purchase or use products derived from threatened or banned species, whether fish, trees, plants, or game animals.

Our hotel tracks the proportion of environmentally certified, local, and fair trade suppliers among its total procurement and aims to increase this proportion over time.

  • Efficient Procurement: Our procurement policy emphasizes reusable, returnable, and recycled materials, avoiding unnecessary plastic, nylon, paper, glass, or wood packaging.


6. Cultural Sustainability Policy

  • Respect for Cultural Heritage: Our hotel respects the intellectual property rights of local communities and incorporates both traditional and contemporary local cultural elements in its design, decoration, and cuisine.

  • No Trade in Artifacts: Our hotel does not buy, sell, broker, or display historical or archaeological artifacts.

  • Promotion of Sustainable Local Gastronomy: Our hotel prioritizes local products and applies innovative and creative approaches to ensure sustainable practices in all gastronomic activities.


7. Energy and Environment

  • Energy Conservation: Our hotel has a policy to measure, monitor, reduce energy consumption, and promote renewable energy. Energy consumption is grouped by type, and energy from renewable sources is tracked. High-energy-consuming activities are identified, and corrective measures are implemented, such as installing insulation, choosing energy-efficient devices, and replacing incandescent lighting with LED bulbs.

  • Employee and Stakeholder Education: Our hotel educates and informs staff and stakeholders about energy conservation and other environmental topics.


8. Water Management and Wastewater

  • Water Conservation: Our hotel has a water conservation policy, involving regular measurement, monitoring, and reduction of water consumption. A water risk analysis has been conducted using the World Resources Institute's Water Risk Atlas. A water management plan has been established, including measuring and reducing water usage, setting targets, and reporting.

  • Compliance with Regulations: Our hotel complies with all legal requirements for water usage, drawing water from sustainable sources, either public water networks or permitted wells.

  • Water Management: Our hotel uses water-efficient equipment and encourages guests to opt for less frequent towel and bedsheet changes. Water consumption is measured by guest or per overnight stay and reported. Water-related risk factors are identified, and corrective measures are implemented where needed.

  • Wastewater Management: Our hotel adheres to local regulations for wastewater disposal, ensuring that our operations do not harm aquatic life or the local population.


9. Food Waste and Solid Waste


  • Solid Waste Management Plan: Our hotel has a solid waste management plan, involving regular measurement, monitoring, reduction, reuse, recycling, and disposal of solid waste. Solid waste is separated into categories, such as food, recyclable, toxic/hazardous, and organic. These are collected by licensed firms.

  • Employee and Stakeholder Education: Our hotel regularly educates and informs staff and stakeholders about proper waste management and waste reduction practices.

  • Waste Measurement: Solid waste, including food waste, is measured and reported by guest or per overnight stay. High waste-producing activities are identified, and corrective measures are implemented to reduce waste.

  • Compliance with Local Regulations: Our hotel ensures that solid waste disposal does not harm local populations or the environment. We comply with regulations, including the "Zero Waste Regulation."

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